I love to write; I love to breathe life into my characters and see them exist in a realm outside of my mind.  There is such pleasure in sharing my work, in allowing others to immerse themselves in the stories of fantasy and adventure I weave–  Oops!  Oh yeah, that’s right, my first novel titled, Protector, is releasing in November with Lyrical Press.  And those readers I want to share with–I need to find them.  Elusive critters–where are you?

This whole process of promoting your book, months in advance of release day, intrigues me beyond belief.  In the course of researching how this is done, I am now even more in awe of authors who sells tens of thousands of copies and make writing a fulltime career.

Firstly though, I’d like to point out that I have the fulltime career portion of my writing nailed.  Yes, I spend all hours of the day and night pounding the keyboard, my characters demanding they all be heard.  It’s the second half that has me nibbling on my nails.  Where are these tens of thousands of readers?

I can only say I’ve got five months still to find you.  I have a wonderful network of family and friends, but it is those readers who truly love the “young adult fantasy romance” genre, I desire to meet.  Yeah, and I thought writing was a solitary career–just me and my laptop.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.

So if you’re reading this post–firstly I am immensely grateful you are.  And secondly, feel free to “follow” future updates and spread the word.  A friend of a friend, is a friend.

PS: I love giving away free stuff–that makes me an even better friend.