Here's Where I Am Today.

DROOL ALERT — The follow pictures will make your mouth water. They may even make you want to hop on a plane to come and see the following location for yourself. You’ve been warned. 🙂


Mount Maunganui Beach, New Zealand

It was a stunner of a day at Mount Maunganui Beach today. I thought I’d share some pictures of my local hotspot, and with it being the kids’ summer holidays, this is where we were. We hiked up the pictured hill, of which we Kiwis simply call The Mount. It’s a glorious spot with heaps of things to do.

The Mount is an extinct volcano *phew*, and it sits on the edge of a peninsula. It has a fabulous beach on one side, and a harbour-port on the other. It’s 761 feet high and takes about 45 minutes to climb.

Here’s a picture from the top of the Mount.Mount-Maunganui4

Once you get to the top, you really don’t want to leave. Nope, not a chance. The best thing, is to make sure you’ve brought a picnic with you. Toss out a blanket and lie down. Then eat, relax, and take in the spectacular views.

After this, we hiked back to the main beach. The kids love swimming here, and there’re always treasure hunts or other sponsored events running at this time of the year. So much fun.

I hope you enjoyed seeing a little of my backyard.

Also, the chance for the four-page critique remains open until this Sunday, 20th January. I’ll draw a winner on Monday morning using and post the name then.

PROTECTOR, by Joanne Wadsworth. Here’s a couple of snippets from some 4 and 5 star reviews which came in this week on my debut release on Amazon. I was so excited to read them, and you can catch the full reviews if you want right HERE.

“I’m eager for the next book!” Jenna Czaplewski  |  1 reviewer made a similar statement

“I loved all the characters, especially Faith and davio.” Kamijo101  |  2 reviewers made a similar statement

“Joanne Wadsworth brings up a fast paced book full of likeable characters, action and romance!! Toni |  1 reviewer made a similar statement

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PROTECTOR–BUY THE BOOK: Amazon Kindle / B&N Nook / iTunes / Lyrical Press / Kobo.

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Prizes and New Year's Blog Hop is Here


HAPPY NEW YEAR. I love the New Year, and in New Zealand Kiwi families traditionally spend New Year’s day at the beach. It’s the middle of summer, so we all slap on sunglasses and sunscreen, roll out our towels and watch the waves roll in. It’s all about kicking back, relaxing, and building sand castles with the kids. My goal this year is to figure out how to make the perfect moat for my sand castle–I figure there’s got to be a way to do it, that’s without the incoming waves caving the channel in and taking the sand castle down with it. I haven’t been successful yet, but I’m sure going to try this year.

I’d love to hear what you and your family or friends do once the New Year arrives. Do you have any traditions? Go somewhere special? Make a New Year’s wish? If you leave a comment WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS you can go into the draw for a chance to win an ebook copy of PROTECTOR. The winner will be announced on 7th January 2013, so be sure to check back.

But that’s not all… Your comment also drops you into the grand prize draw of the hop (prizes are featured below–and they are amazzzing), so make sure you don’t miss out. It just takes one comment on this post WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS to get you into BOTH DRAWS. 🙂

protector (3)PROTECTOR

To love and protect…across worlds.

Eighteen-year-old Faith Stryker is prepared to leap out into the unknown world beyond her home shores of New Zealand to experience life. Only she never expected to encounter Magio, a planet with two warring countries, where its people reach adulthood at eighteen by coming into their strength and prophetic abilities. Only after Faith discovers she’s a Halfling–thanks to her warrior father she’s never met–does her own skill of forethought develop.

Peacio’s Prince Davio Loveria is sent to the young Faith Stryker by his grandfather, but not all goes as planned. Davio discovers Faith isn’t just a Halfling, she’s also his soul-bound mate–an intense relationship he cannot, nor will not, give up.

With two wars now waging…one of land and the other of the heart…can the young lovers find their place in the world?


BUY THE BOOK: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Lyrical Press / iTunes / Kobo


We have THREE grand prizes. Over 200 authors are sharing New Year themed blogs, and you as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 200 times!

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet (International)

2nd Grand Prize: A $300 Amazon or B&N Gift Card (International)

3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more! (US Only)

Keep hopping–You can find the complete list of participating authors right HERE.

Also, and only if you wish to, please consider “liking” my Facebook author page. For your convenience the link is just over on the right-hand sidebar as well. 🙂

If you’d like to add Protector to your TBR list, here’s the link for Goodreads.

And for those keen on checking out Protector’s trailer on YouTube, it’s–>  here.

Thank you so much for dropping by, and I wish you and yours a wonderful 2013.

Got A Contract! — Now Celebrating.

congrats yes

Yay! This would be me right now, if I were a cat! 🙂

Hey, everyone,

I’m doing a huge happy dance down here in New Zealand.

My second baby book titled “Warrior,” in my young adult/fantasy/romance series got a contract. Woo-hoo. Huge thanks go to Renee Rocco and her fabulous team at Lyrical Press NY for saying “yes.” I’m beyond excited. In fact if there weren’t a ceiling over my head, I would have floated away by now. Ah-huh, yes I would have.

Wow, it’s the coolest feeling to know my characters will have their story told, and thank you to all of you who twiddled your fingers with me as I waited to hear back. You guys rock.

In the meantime, to continue the celebrations I have a wonderful critiquing offer for you all. I said I’d bring it back–and I have. (Offer is below.)

I’ve also been super busy learning how to create a book trailer, so here’s what I’ve pulled together for your viewing pleasure. This book trailer is for “Protector” which releases on 7th January 2013. Oh boy, literally just one month away. What a wicked lead up to Christmas I’m having. Just click here to view the trailer on youtube –> Protector’s trailer.

So, to my offer–everyone who leaves a comment asking “for a critique” will have their name put into a hat. What do you win? Yours truly shall be your second set of eyes to go over the first four pages (or 1500 words thereabouts) of your novel. That’s the first four pages. Not four pages from the middle of the book, but the first four pages. Okay, so if you’ve been catching my blogs, you’ll know my skills are in the editing department–which means it will be a fabulous critique. You’ll love it.

I’ll pick a winner and post the name next week on my blog, so keep your eye out for who that is. (Particularly the winner, because you’ll need to get in contact with me via email.)

Now, I’m off to finish my third manuscript, a romantic suspense which I’m aiming to have ready for submission in the next week or two. Yep, why is it a writer’s work is never done?

Okay, catch ya all later.

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PROTECTOR–BUY THE BOOK: Amazon Kindle / B&N Nook / iTunes / Lyrical Press / Kobo.

Flower-Art-Pistil-Pink-1-1920x1200 - Thank You2