Every Writer’s Dream — Understanding Our Characters


So true. 🙂

Two weeks ago I began writing my next WIP. It’s book two in my historical Highlander Heat line, and I’m reminded as my characters’ personalities build, of how important it is to understand them, to get down to the nitty-gritty and make them real.

We need to have a good grasp of who they are and what makes them tick. They must be unique, which means we need to take care not to typecast them. With this typecasting, I’m referring to giving our characters labels such as “the bad boy,” the “misfit,” or the “cheerleader.” Do you see where I’m heading?

Readers are clever, and they quickly pick up on characters who represent a common character cliché. That can bore the reader. It can also cause the reader to turn from them because the character just doesn’t feel real.

Our characters also shouldn’t be too perfect, too weak, too beautiful, or too much of any one thing. As writers we have to get inside our characters’ heads and humanize them.

A great way to do this is to interview them. Yep, that’s right. Here’s what I do. Once I’m a chapter or two into their story, at the point where I have a good grasp of each of my main characters, I write down their likes and dislikes, their strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately what drives them. Their faults and fears have usually popped up by now and become glaringly obvious. Those are key, because as they say, conflict+conflict=story.

I love their faults and fears. Those issues allow my characters to become authentic, and it’s my job to throw challenges at them which will test those weaknesses and allow them to grow. There is nothing better than having our reader become invested in our characters, for them to cheer them on as they work at resolving their issues. Just remember to keep your characters’ plight and their scenes real.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post, and that you’ve come away with some helpful hints. I know for myself, if my story isn’t moving forward the way it should, it’s usually because I don’t have enough understanding about my characters. I love those interviews. Give it a go if you haven’t tried it before.

Don’t forget to drop me a comment if you’d like to. My post always goes live on a Monday afternoon Down Under in New Zealand, and when I wake up on a Tuesday morning the first thing I do is read all your messages. I truly love hearing from you guys. You all make my Tuesday mornings shine, so don’t be afraid to say hi.

Stay safe. I’ll catch ya later.


PROTECTOR > BUY THE BOOK: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Lyrical Press / iTunes / Kobo


Readers Inform. Writers Take Note.

bookwormsI love this. Love it. 🙂

An incredibly interesting survey has just been run by E-book Formatting Fairies. The results were compiled during the month of June, and the results came in on August 1st. The survey focused on readers informing about how they read, what they like, and where they find us.

There were forty-four questions, and although it’s not a scientific survey, I’m certain most writers will come away with some valuable information. I certainly enjoyed the open platform of conversation at the end through the comments section, and was able to garner even more insight. Full survey here.

The first key pointer I took away from this survey would be the importance of an author’s website, blog and Facebook author page. Here’s the actual statement made.

  • Facebook (62 percent) and Author Websites (63 percent) were virtually tied for first when readers were asked where they get their information about their favorite authors. (This was a “choose all that apply” question.) Author newsletters were a distant second at 36 percent. Goodreads scored 27 percent and Twitter 19 percent. Retail sites were next at 18 percent. It’s probably safe to conclude from these results that if you have limited time, it’s best spent on Facebook and keeping up your website.

I couldn’t agree with that statement more. It’s certainly important, as writers, that we use our websites to their full potential. That we have a blog aligned with it and stay connected. Our blog posts should reflect us, what drives us, what keeps us on our toes, what we find is fun. It’s also our place to promote our work, to share excerpts, sneak peeks, and cover reveals.

I treat Facebook in the same way. I connect with those who follow me there by posting bits about me and my work. I love sharing excerpts from books yet to release, and from any current WIP’s. Readers love getting a glimpse into what makes a writer tick. FB is certainly a social platform, where we’re able to engage with our followers and have fun.

The second key pointer I found of importance was.

  • Thirty-five percent have been introduced to new authors via free books more than 20 times. Twenty-one percent have found new authors through free books more than 10 times. If they liked what they read in the free book, 85 percent were extremely likely to buy another book from that author.

Readers love free e-books, and if they like what they read, 85 percent were extremely likely to buy another book from that author. Those are great stats. I don’t know about you, but that’s got me thinking I need to write a novella and offer it for free. I’d love readers to get a taste of my work and see if they like it, and then come back for more.

What about you? Did either of these two key pointers I took away from the survey, get you thinking too?


Also, I asked a couple of weeks ago, if you had a spare minute to vote for PROTECTOR’S cover in the You Gotta Read cover contest. You guys rock, because Protector came away taking 1st place. Yay! Thank you so much. 1st Place. Wicked!

And lastly, I’m going to finish this post with the best news ever. My last completed novel, HIGHLANDER’S CASTLE, a historical Highlander time-travel romance has just gone under contract with Lyrical Press, NY. I loved writing this first book in my HIGHLANDER HEAT SERIES. It’s a powerful story of a twenty-first century woman and her identical ancestor swapping places in time, the young modern woman’s path now colliding with the Highland warrior her ancestor was set to handfast with. Here’s a wee sneak peek (unedited.)

In the bright light of day, the courtyard, part thick with grass and part paved with stone, led to one place. Alex. Her Highlander from another time.

He stood near the center well which was adorned with ivy and bunches of lavender. The castle’s walls rose majestically around him.

He looked incredible. Over an immaculate white silk shirt, his plaid was fastened with a magnificent hand-sized broach depicting warriors at war. He appeared one himself with one hand fisted over the hilt of his side-belted sword.

She licked her lips then lifted her gaze. His jaw was smooth and strongly angled, his chin holding a visible cleft in the center, and his golden gaze was targeted right on her.

I hope you enjoyed. Don’t forget to drop me a comment if you’d like to. I love hearing from you guys.

Stay safe. I’ll catch ya later.


PROTECTOR > BUY THE BOOK: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Lyrical Press / iTunes / Kobo


Creating Conflict in Your Novel


Conflict. Yep, I’m feeling this driver’s conflict.

This week I’ve begun writing my next novel. I’m extremely creative when it comes to the writing process. Usually I allow my stories to unfold as the characters drive their story along, although I’ve also learnt the importance of laying out core plot issues.

So, what’s one of the most important plot issues you need to consider when beginning your novel? Yes, that’s creating conflict. Here are some key pointers to guide you along the way:

  • You need to ensure your conflict is sound.
  • It needs to be paramount within your story.
  • Conflict forces your characters to act.
  • Strong conflict leads to greater opportunities for your characters.
  • And ramping up the stakes with that conflict drives your reader to care about the outcome.

Now to cover a little bit more about creating conflict.

  • Who’s your antagonist?
  • Or in some cases what’s the antagonist? There are of course stories where the antagonist becomes the obstacle the hero or heroine is trying to overcome.
  • Usually the antagonist brings the conflict to the forefront.
  • Focus on that conflict.
  • Infuse your story with scenes driven around that conflict.
  • Also, allow your characters to experience heightened emotions as they deal with the powerful conflict you’ve put in place.
  • Don’t forget increasing the stakes engages your readers.
  • It compels them to keep reading, and to find out what happens next.
  • The hero/heroine must come into contact with the conflict you’ve put in place.
  • Throw the conflict/challenge at them.
  • Force them to face their fears.
  • Allow the actions of your characters to burst off the page as they rise to the challenges you’ve set them.
  • Because higher stakes equals page-turning action.

Hopefully some of these pointers have provided inspiration. Lastly, let me share the one thing I always keep at the forefront of my mind as I’m writing. I’m actually whizzing it up into a nice graphic for those who’d like to print it off.


If you want to drop me a comment, make sure you do. Perhaps you have other pointers you’d like to add to mine. I certainly hope the ones I’ve mentioned have got you thinking. Happy writing, everyone. Create that conflict. :)

Stay safe. I’ll catch ya later.


PROTECTOR > BUY THE BOOK: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Lyrical Press / iTunes / Kobo


How Do You Become a Successful Writer?

inspiration 5

Sooo true. 🙂

The most important thing I’ve learnt, is if I want to become a successful writer, there’s one thing I must do.

You’ve probably guessed it, right?

It’s write. Write. Write.

Writing one book won’t bring in the bucks.

Writing two probably won’t either.

Oh, but having three, now that’s usually the turning point.

Yep, I’ve heard a lot of authors, as well as professionals in our industry, say with an author’s third book’s release, comes the change we’re all after — an increase in readership numbers. As writers, that’s what we’re all after. We want our books to be read, for people to enjoy them, to embrace our stories as we have.

So, I’m counting down those days. My second book, WARRIOR, releases in only eight weeks. My third book follows a few months after that, and my fourth, in the first half of next year. And so it shall go on…

Or at least that’s the plan. Within another week I’ll have my fifth novel completed, and I’ve already begun work on my sixth. That’s right. I’m writing. Writing. Writing.

Even my hubby can’t keep up with which book I’m currently talking about when I mention my schedule. He’s like, “Ah, so which one is that? I’m getting lost.”

I jumped up and down the first time he said it, because that means I’m heading in the right direction.

So how about you? How’s your writing going? Perhaps you’re still working on getting to publication? Or maybe you’re there. If so, how many books do you have out? Did that third book see you hit a turning point in an upward direction? Or are you still heading there like I am? I love hearing from you, so drop a comment and let me know.

And lastly, I’d like to announce the winner of “The 4th of July Blog Hop.” That’s Katie Cross. I’ll be getting in touch with you to organise your e-copy of PROTECTOR. Congratulations, Katie.

Have a fabulous week everyone.


PROTECTOR > BUY THE BOOK: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Lyrical Press / iTunes / Kobo


Author Brands — How Important Are They?


I’m a voracious reader, working my way through two to three books a week. I either purchase new e-books because I like to get them instantly on my Kindle, or re-read favorites from my heavily stocked bookcase.

Right now I’m looking at all the books I have. It’s an extensive collection and actually catalogued by author name then title. I can see instantly my love of series. When I read a book by an author I enjoy, I quickly pick up every other book in the series if there is one.

I’m also always on the lookout for new authors. There is such an amazing array of talent out there, but how do we as authors, ensure readers of our genre find us?

Growing your AUTHOR BRAND is certainly one way, and even better, here’s a simple approach on how to make a start.

Six months ago I began to analyze my own author brand. I have three separate series underway, in three separate genres:

Magio-Earth series — YA fantasy romance.

Bodyguards series — Heart-pounding romantic suspense.

Highlander Heat series — Highlander time-travel romance.

I took those three series and came up with the following tagline–

Where Romance meets Fantasy and Adventure…

(I added that tagline right after my name, on my website’s header.) copy-cropped-1test1-71.jpg

Now, the idea behind a tagline is to display it everywhere you can. It describes what you write, or the image you want to portray, or what simply makes you, you. Here’re some places an author’s tagline can go:

  • In your blog/website header.
  • As your email signature.
  • On your Amazon author page.
  • On your Facebook header.
  • On your Goodreads page.
  • Somewhere in your book. It’s just a tagline, so it could go in the “about the author section,” or “title page” right after your name.
  • On your Twitter profile.
  • On your Pinterest profile.

And I’m sure there are a ton of other places as well. Your tagline represents what you do. It’s a catchy phrase, with the intention to become memorable.

Here’re some great taglines I’ve seen:

  • Nalini Singh, New York Times Bestselling Author. (Yeah, just had to pop that one in. I’d sooo like that one for myself.)
  • Jessi Gage, …A Time to Love.
  • Jennifer Probst, A little bit naughty…a little bit nice.
  • Sondrae Bennett, Love stores that sizzle off the page.
  • Jennifer Lowery, Where Happily Ever After is Only the Beginning…
  • Karen Y. Bynum, …Fate be damned.
  • Sonya Clark, Where magic and music cast a spell on the night.
  • Shannon MacLeod, Writer of romance, teller of tales, weaver of dreams.

So, have you begun working on your author brand? Do you have a tagline? Drop me a comment and let me know yours.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s post. Have a fabulous week.


PROTECTOR > BUY THE BOOK: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Lyrical Press / iTunes / Kobo
