Today, more than ever, many people believe that good writing flows easily from pen to paper. Yet thatโ€™s not the case, and writers out there know it. We understand it takes weeks or months to perfect every line we write within a book, that a writerโ€™s work is in the rewriting, not the writing.

Oh, how I wish at least one of my English teachers during my schooling taught me this. Instead they teach how to write–but not how to edit. Why is that? Editing is where the real work of writing begins. So, let me share some more editing tips this week, shining a light on this subject which is so very close to my heart.

When editing, delete, and rarely add

Yes, you read this right. Writers are usually too wordy and after finishing your first draft of your book, each subsequent draft will reduce in word count. Concise writing is more powerful and will pick up the pace of your book. Which means itโ€™s not unusual for most writers to finish their rewriting with ten to twenty percent less than they originally began with. So many words that we didnโ€™t even need.

Sleep on it

When youโ€™re editing, ideally you want to forget what you wrote so that youโ€™re not expecting to see what you do. *Chuckle* Seriously, when youโ€™re editing, keep moving through the pages, then sleep on what youโ€™ve done. If thereโ€™s a particularly difficult piece bugging you, highlight it andย leave it, then come back to it after youโ€™ve slept. When we approach our writing, it must be done with a clear mind. This is why there are several drafts in a book. Each time we return to the beginning, itโ€™s with fresh eyes.

Avoid passive sentences

Within our writing, this is the use of (to be, is, were, was, am, are, had.)ย  Although not always, but in many cases.

As writersย we needย to avoid the use of passive sentences wherever possible, and this is what publishers and editorsย ask we do. Passive writing is unconvincing, ultimately weakening the structure of what we write. So, below, Iโ€™m going to give you varying examples of moving passive sentences into โ€œactive,โ€ by removing the listed words above. Just remember, I’m not talking in all cases,ย but many.

  • Itโ€™s important to state actively what our characters are thinking and doing.
  • Itโ€™s important to state actively what our characters think and do.
  • Jack was clapping his hands along with the audience as Jane finished her song on stage.
  • Jack clapped his hands along with the audience as Jane finished her song on stage.
  • Max was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt.
  • Max wore jeans and a white t-shirt.
  • Mary is upset to have missed the show.
  • Missing the show upset Mary.
  • โ€œErrors were made,โ€ Henry said.
  • โ€œI made an error,โ€ Henry said.


Sound editing is so important.ย  Just remember it takes time and practice to perfect, but keep working on it because in the end, the results in your work will show.ย  Well, thatโ€™s all for this week, and I hope my blog post aided you. ย If you havenโ€™t joined me for your weekly dose of bite-sized writing tidbits and youโ€™d like to, then simply check out the right-hand side panel, and enter your email address to โ€œfollow the blog.โ€ย  If you want, also click โ€œlikeโ€ on my FB author page to the right.ย  I love all the support.

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