

I love to read, but whenΒ I beginΒ a new book, the last thing I want is to beΒ jerked out of the story byΒ continuous grammar, spelling or punctuation mistakes. It’s the first sign that perhaps the bookΒ may suffer fromΒ otherΒ issues, like weak plot or character development.

In the past few years, the needΒ for writers toΒ edit our own workΒ has become more crucial than ever before. Online review sites are taking off, and readers love toΒ share what they enjoyed or didn’t enjoy.Β Many reviews I’ve read get down to the tiniest detail,Β and if there’s poor editing, thenΒ  that becomesΒ a major turnoff. We canΒ certainly edit ourselves until we believe we’veΒ nailed our book, but there’s nothing quite like a second set of eyes.

Many writers join writers’ groups, have critique partners or request a beta reader to give them solid feedback. There’reΒ also some wonderful freelance editors available.Β Proofreaders and line editors are another great option.

Which brings me to the reason for this post.Β Last week, aΒ writer friend said to meΒ she’d like to self-publish her first book. She’s tried getting an agent,Β butΒ rejection letter after rejection letter keeps coming in. She’s in a writers’ group, but they’re all unpublished authors learning and growing together. She asked me what I thought she shouldΒ do? Wow,Β as writers, ourΒ journey to publication can be quite different. Self-publishing might be the road she takes, although one thing remains the same for all of us. Our booksΒ should be soundlyΒ edited beforeΒ publication, no matter whichΒ avenue we choose to take. Her future reputation as a writer is at stake if she doesn’tΒ put her veryΒ best forward.Β I certainlyΒ understandΒ herΒ frustration of trying to get that first “yes.”Β It certainly feels likeΒ we’re climbing a mountain,Β dragging our way uphill,Β and throughΒ hail and snow to get there. But it’s so important not to forget thatΒ every published author out there, was unpublished at some point. That makes it feel real. Anything is possible.

So, how important is editing to you? Do you have a critique partner, beta readers or someone else? Who helps you ready your manuscript for submission or publication?Β For me,Β my second set of eyes before submission is my sister. She isn’t a writer, but an avid reader.Β She’s great at providing feedback, althoughΒ if not for her, I’d certainlyΒ team up with a CP.Β Drop me a comment and let me know what works for you.

Lastly, yay,Β I finallyΒ wrapped up book three in my YA fantasy series and began the submission process on it. Now, I’mΒ crossing my fingers and toes and hoping I did everything I could to make it a fabulous read. I can certainly say it’s well-edited. πŸ™‚

Take care, and I’ll catch ya next week.


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